Commodores Newsletter February 2024

Monday 19th February, 2024

Five yachts and one power boat commenced the Australia Day Cruise on Saturday 27th January. They were Cappricio, Harmony, Deja Vu, Skye, Andronicus, and the Mustang 32.

Unfortunately, Andronicus developed early engine problems and pulled out shortly after the start which is very unusual as nothing ever goes wrong with boats. With wind and tide against us, we had an energetic sail to Hastings Marina where 6 berths had been pre-booked for our arrival. On settling in it was drinks on board followed by dinner in the restaurant where much merriment was had. The next day was a leisurely sail to Rhyll past the anchored cruise ship and docked on the floating pontoons for the night. More drinks and fish and chips then home the next day. Thanks go to Jeff Shawcroft for organising the event.

Download Commodores Newsletter February 2024

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