Becoming A Member

Newhaven Yacht Squadron membership numbers consist of around 600 senior members and approximately 1,000 members in total.
We also have a committee who work tirelessly to keep things ticking over by maintaining facilities, organising events for our members and visitors and general day-to-day management.

Fee Schedule

We have different levels of membership available, with different options and prices.

For more information and to download the schedule of fees document please click the button below.

Purpose & Rules

At Newhaven Yacht Squadron we like to maintain a friendly, family orientated environment that fosters and encourages mateship amongst all members.

For more information and to view our Statement of Purpose and Rules, click the button below.

Application Form

Are you interested in becoming a member of the Newhaven Yacht Squadron?  For more information on how to become a member and to obtain copy of our membership application form, please click the button below.

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