
2nd Saturday of the Month Happy Hour

Saturday 14th April, 2018
5:00 pm
Newhaven Yacht Squadron

Our April Happy Hour will be a Casserole Night; and we are very pleased to have a guest speaker on this evening.

Peter Evans, who is a NYS member, will be speaking about his extensive global boating experiences. Peter travelled to France in 1968 and began what has now become the canal-cruising industry. He returned to Australia in 1990 and built a 17 metre sailing vessel that took him and Carol to many parts of the world, including the Greek Islands, the coast of Greenland and even Cuba. Peter has many stories of his travels. I have spoken to several people who have seen Peter present previously and they were very enthusiastic about him presenting at our club.

Peter will commence his presentation at 5:30 p.m. and this will be followed by a delicious Casserole dinner and dessert around 6:30 p.m.

The bar opens at 5:00 p.m.

At just $10 / head, what fantastic value this evening will be!

Please invite friends and family to make this evening a big success and also to experience some interesting stories and adventures while enjoying a drink.

If you have any queries or wish to let us know you’re coming, please call Helen on 0402 158 684 or Jan on 0408 053 703; or email social@nys.net.au. This will assist the catering!

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