
NYS Opening Day

Saturday 19th November, 2016
1:00 pm
Newhaven Yacht Squadron

Opening Day, which is very much a social and fun day for the Squadron, signifies the ‘start’ of the boating season.  The most significant part of this day is when a flotilla of club boats take part in a sail-past, whereby they sail past the Commodore, respectfully saluting him.  Many of the boats are specially decorated for the day – one or two are usually completely transformed!  Prizes are awarded for the best presented powerboat and sailboat. 


  After performing the on-water formal part of the day, all boats then come back into the marina and everyone heads to the club house for socialising and the on-land formal part of the day.  The bar opens at 1500 hours with the club providing drinks for the first hour, and we are entertained by a superb litttle jazz band.

Members are asked to bring a plate to share for afternoon tea.

Every year we have a guest speaker.  This year our guest speaker is Alan Adamson.  Alan has had significant air-sea rescue experience, so his presentation will be of high relevance to us all.

During the afternoon there will be a presentation of two prestigious club trophies: the ALLEN LAPIN CLUB MEMBER OF THE YEAR TROPHY; and the FURPHY TROPHY for the best contribution to our Quarterly magazine.

Non-members most welcomed to join us


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Newhaven Yacht Squadron

14 Seaview St, Newhaven VIC 3925, Australia

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