Commodores Newsletter April 2024

Tuesday 23rd April, 2024

Presentation night

Last Saturday night saw the presentations of awards to the winners of our Sailing events.

They were:

Winter Series 2023
First: Joalda – Marcus Bond
Second: Lunch Cutter – Keith Dunn

Single Handed Race
First: Joalda – Marcus Bond
Second: Phantom – Geoff Graham

Commodores Cup
First: Avocado – Bob Garforth
Second: Southern Spree – Peter Buitenhuis

Summer Aggregate 2023-24
First: Avocado – Bob Garforth
Second: Joalda – Marcus Bond

Around Phillip Island
First: Avocado – Bob Garforth
Second: Joalda – Marcus Bond

2023/2024 – CLUB CHAMPION
Avocado – Bob Garforth

Congratulations to all the awards winners and special thanks to all those who participated in the sailing events throughout the year. Without your participation we don’t have events and without events we don’t have prize winners so a big thank you to all who participated because we are all winners for it. It also goes without saying how indebted we all are to the wonderful volunteers who gave up their Saturdays to help, amongst other things, starting, organising, radio operating and cleaning up after the races. Couldn’t happen without your generous support so many thanks to all of you.


The reason we are the best value marina and club in Australia is because of our volunteers. They generously give their time and much more, sometimes at their expense for no recognition or accolade but it will not stop me recognising them at every opportunity. Thank you to all. A thank you also to Stu Box for organising and providing our new magnetic personalised name tags. I’m sure you agree that they are excellent and if you haven’t ordered yours yet let Stu or the Bar Staff know with your $3 and Stu will make one for you.


Thank you to our supporters who have continued their relationship with us;

• San Remo Butchers
• San Remo Hotel
• Saltwater Restaurant

Hopefully you have shown your appreciation by supporting their business. If not, I encourage you to do so and make it known when you visit their premises that you appreciate their support to us. It also goes without saying how we are grateful for the long and ongoing support of the Bendigo Community Bank and our continued excellent relationship with them.

Happy Hour

It is fantastic to see so many members, families and guests enjoying Saturday night Happy Hour between 5.30pm and 7.30pm. The members’ draw is already up to $375 and with a double draw every Saturday means double the chance to win. You must be present to win so be there. Well done to all the weekly raffle prize winners and again we thank our supporters for donating the prizes.

Upcoming events

Thanking Mim and the volunteers on the social subcommittee for providing the free nibbles every Saturday night and also for the ongoing events program. Keep Friday 26th April free for the next NYS Movie Night featuring “Ride Like a Girl” which is all about Michelle Payne riding the winner of the Melbourne Cup. Another good Australian movie. Also, keep an eye out for the upcoming Cocktail night this Saturday 20th April which if successful may become a regular event. At $10 per cocktail, it sounds like a winner to me.

Keep safe on the water.

Florian Andrighetto
Newhaven Yacht Squadron

Download Commodores Newsletter April 2024

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